Breaking the rules . . .

The July 23rd unanimous decision by the board (1a) to approve a revision to Board Policy and Procedure 105.2 (2) demonstrates either a lack of familiarity or a complete disregard of our governing documents and current policies and procedures.  This policy 105.2 deals with special and reserve assessments, but before delving into the specifics of the update authored  by the finance committee chair, one must first look at the obvious. Continue reading “Breaking the rules . . .”

Let the sunshine in . . .

With appreciation extended to leadership for the abundance of enlightening information provided at the July 18th Town Hall meeting, we now know what many property owners have suspected all along.  The board has, in fact, been conducting closed meetings or “work sessions” for some period of time that have not been publicized to the POA membership.  (1) Continue reading “Let the sunshine in . . .”

The metamorphosis of our capital funding . . .

Last month’s board meeting was certainly full of surprises. Not only did we learn of the bleak 2020 financial projections, but we were also presented with a completely new approach and purpose for what has now become known as the Board Designated Cash – Capital Fund (Board Fund). Continue reading “The metamorphosis of our capital funding . . .”