Deceptively lacking initiative . . .

For anyone who has followed posts on this site for any length of time, it is hopefully apparent that all discussions are heavily referenced.  And while pledging to that motto, it is with complete dismay that cut and paste excerpts from the recent post titled “Seriously lacking initiative” (1) have been published to the (2) website absent all reference material and without any direction to the source of information. Continue reading “Deceptively lacking initiative . . .”

Seriously lacking initiative . . .

With the renovation of our signature golf course on the radar for some time, the day has finally arrived for property owners to cast our votes on September 8th for or against the proposed project.

While we have been struggling with pandemic restrictions and other issues, a group of eight property owners, assisted by three staff members, has been working since May developing a proposal or educational campaign  known as the Creek 9 Initiative.  (1)  It’s fancy.  It’s glitzy. Continue reading “Seriously lacking initiative . . .”