An update to a consideration of the consequences . . .

The ballot package has now arrived complete with the final legal wording of the eight proposed bylaw changes. As a word of caution, the enclosed “Voter Guide” that has been previously distributed throughout various media does not summarize all significant changes found in the legal document. Further, perusal of the documents now finds that two additional amendments also contain language that is in conflict with our existing covenants. Given this new information, an update to the previous post on this site (1) is now warranted. Continue reading “An update to a consideration of the consequences . . .”

A consideration of consequences . . .

As the holiday season quickly approaches, yet another election is upon us that will also include eight proposed changes to the association bylaws. According to the minutes of the October 4th closed door board work session, (1) members of the board voted unanimously to approve “the final wording of these changes” to our governing documents. Subsequently, the “Big Canoe POA Voter Guide: Proposed Bylaws Amendments” was published throughout various media followed by a brief discussion at the October 28th meeting of the board of directors. Continue reading “A consideration of consequences . . .”