What if . . .

Has each member of our Board of Directors considered that potential purchasers of property might turn away from a community such as Big Canoe with such an outrageous level of debt? That is the question just recently posed to the board with the President responding that “all involved determined it was in the best interest of owners both present and future.” Maybe, but not actually. Continue reading “What if . . .”

Speechless . . .

Not one of our better times, the first month of 2022 has been filled with unfortunate events and broken promises as the level of secrecy and non-transparency exhibited by our board of directors continues to escalate to new levels. And while just weeks ago, this writer tried to envision the next fifty years of Big Canoe, (1) we now know that for the next eighteen years, we will be burdened with debt. Continue reading “Speechless . . .”