Guest Spot: Michelle Toups with more Chimneys talk . . .

A Big Canoe property owner for 23 years, Michelle has requested that her op-ed on the Board approved $1.25 million Chimneys project be posted on Thank you Michelle for providing additional insight and knowledge on this very important issue. (Patricia)

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POA President requests retraction of Chimneys article . . .

The POA President has now weighed in on this site’s previous post (1) by stating, “I read your blog on The Chimneys. It contains many inaccuracies and the sentence containing a reference to a photograph on April 20 and a 3D tour is very misleading. The building is locked, virtually empty and a blight on Big Canoe . . . Continue reading “POA President requests retraction of Chimneys article . . .”

About that Chimneys renovation and the visual deception . . .

A collaboration by: Wayne A. Huey and Patricia Cross

With almost two months elapsed since the Big Canoe board blindsided the community with the shocking revelation that they would be spending an unbelievable $1.25 million to renovate the Chimneys for meeting space, the outpouring of concern and questions have continued. And even more disturbing is discovery of the complete misrepresentation of the present condition of the facility coupled with the planned gutting and destruction of much of the historical character of the building. Continue reading “About that Chimneys renovation and the visual deception . . .”