Just more of the same . . .

Kudos to the Big Canoe POA Board of Directors for finally recognizing the importance of transferring the $474k residual balance of the insurance settlement proceeds (for the Chimneys and realty office freeze damage) to a capital account rather than allowing those dollars to remain commingled with the operating cash account. (1) (2) Continue reading “Just more of the same . . .”

A bridge too far . . .

In an act akin to pulling out the shred machine, the 96 page report titled “Big Canoe Community Overview 2023” dated October 8th, 2023 that was laboriously prepared by the seven member Long Range Planning Committee (“LRPC”) has now been removed from the POA website and replaced with an altered, edited and manipulated version all at the direction of the current POA President. Continue reading “A bridge too far . . .”

Save the Chimneys . . .

A collaboration by: Wayne A. Huey and Patricia Cross

Again wasting no time since the community vote approving the construction of a new postal facility ($2.76 million) and clubhouse renovation ($6.35 million), the Board of Directors has immediately moved forward with the remaining capital projects under the umbrella of Renew Big Canoe that they themselves have deemed allowable without a property owner vote. Continue reading “Save the Chimneys . . .”