Circling the wagons: Part Two . . .

Remember the Finance Committee Chair that surmised to the community in his “Renew Big Canoe” financial presentations that food and beverage losses are a “good thing” because that means we don’t have to pay taxes? (1) Now installed for a second term as Chairman, he’s back and presenting a rambling and disconnected tutorial on GAAP (generally accepted accounting principals) and accountability. (2a) Continue reading “Circling the wagons: Part Two . . .”

Circling the wagons: Part One . . .

Eighty five days into a new year, and the 2023 year end “preliminary” financial statements (1) containing significant differences from the GM’s January slide presentation (2) were finally posted to the POA website. Hoping for some discussion or explanation from leadership at the March board meeting, there was none. Continue reading “Circling the wagons: Part One . . .”