Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the upcoming Clubhouse renovation train wreck . . .

Wayne has requested that his op-ed that follows regarding the clubhouse renovation be posted on  As always, thank you Wayne for sharing your knowledge on this subject with the community. (Patricia) Continue reading “Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the upcoming Clubhouse renovation train wreck . . .”

Outside the box . . .

It certainly came as no surprise to learn that the Association’s independent auditors, would be issuing a “clean” opinion of the 2023 financial statements. What did come as a surprise was the firm’s extensive and gushing accolades for management at the June 27th board meeting followed by a discombobulated presentation of the year end financial highlights erroneously utilizing 2022 data. (1a) How does this even happen? Continue reading “Outside the box . . .”