About that Chimneys renovation and the visual deception . . .

A collaboration by: Wayne A. Huey and Patricia Cross

With almost two months elapsed since the Big Canoe board blindsided the community with the shocking revelation that they would be spending an unbelievable $1.25 million to renovate the Chimneys for meeting space, the outpouring of concern and questions have continued. And even more disturbing is discovery of the complete misrepresentation of the present condition of the facility coupled with the planned gutting and destruction of much of the historical character of the building.

For example, one must compare the photographs  included in the March 3rd Inside the Gates article https://www.insidethegates.org/2022/03/03/qa-chimneys-everything-know-purpose-plans-cost-renovating-essential-facility/ (1) depicting two photographs of the kitchen area comprising the only truly unsightly area of the facility. Given those photographs, one might reasonably conclude that the entire facility is in a state of disrepair.

Instead, the actual appearance of the remainder of the building is more accurately portrayed as seen in this April 20th, 2022 photo  along with the 3D rendition and tour of each furnished room found at https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=vs2d12EieDV (2)

Seriously, does anyone really believe that this structure warrants a renovation totaling $1.25 million?

As for the building’s history and character . . .

According to the plans referenced in the ITG article, the three fireplaces throughout the building will be covered up, and no longer usable or visible. Further, information provided in the “Scope of Work” to the co-writer of this article, indicates that the original wood flooring will either be replaced or covered up. Beyond that, everything else will be gutted (MEP, walls, light fixtures, etc.) and redone.

Whose vision is this anyway? . . .

Never prioritized in the “Voice of the Community” survey, could this $1.25 million renovation really be the new vision of Big Canoe property owners? Or is this plan nothing more than the misplaced vision of a design team, a GM and a POA president? Considering all presentations and decisions regarding this project were made in closed door meetings, we will never know.

All emotions aside . . .

Obviously, there are those who consider the facility outdated as often stated by our GM, and then there are those who appreciate it’s character. Regardless, it is important to view both sides and have an honest representation of the status of the facility. But . . . either way, it remains impossible to ignore the ridiculously outrageous cost of the project along with other documented concerns and deficiencies such as:

    • Incomplete master planning of the Village area prior to undergoing renovation of a major component of the Master Plan.

    • Inadequate parking . . . 24 spaces allotted to an architectural plan calling for a capacity of over 150.

    • A predetermined “not to exceed” amount of $1.250 million falling only $30k below the threshold required for property owner approval.

    • With the GM busily running numbers and various A, B and C scenarios in order to determine if the project can actually be completed under budget, (3) this project can and should be stopped.

Go or No Go? . . .

Please neighbors and friends, join in this appeal (by directly contacting our board of directors) for an immediate halt to this $1.250 million renovation of the Chimneys along with a requirement to complete the Village Master Plan utilizing community involvement prior to any changes or renovations to the existing buildings. 

. . . . .

Wayne A. Huey, Architect, waynehuey@yahoo.com


Patricia Cross, 10438 Big Canoe, thepcrosses@gmail.com


1) https://www.insidethegates.org/2022/03/03/qa-chimneys-everything-know-purpose-plans-cost-renovating-essential-facility/

2) Big Canoe Weddings and Events Facebook Page, containing link to: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=vs2d12EieDV

3) Big Canoe POA Board Meeting, March 31st, 2022, at 1:52:30.

6 thoughts on “About that Chimneys renovation and the visual deception . . .”

  1. I always thought the site would be better served to be redeveloped to incorporate a 25 – 50 key Inn.
    It would include food service and meeting space.

    The design would incorporate the existing buildings & might even involve relocating the post office facility.

    Gray Reese, LLC | Consulting Group – Architects | grayreese@gmail.com
    244 13th Street NE, Suite 201, Atlanta, Georgia 30309 | T 404.234.6002
    Big Canoe resident – 20 years

    1. So the survey we received about limiting home owners from renting….was a survey to see if the limitations would benefit an INN ???.
      ( just curious)
      If home rentals were limited that would help fill the purpose of an “Inn”. AKA HOTEL .
      IF property owners vote to limit rentals … most to actually would do so to REDUCE the visitor and stranger traffic.
      A HOTEL OR INN , would increase the shorter-term visitors . Hotel and Inn guests might generally be less likely to follow Big Canoes’ rules .
      I see this as a strategy to move us into “RESORT” mode , rather than keeping the private community . Fulltime resident home owners would certainly have concerns and objections.

      Are my perceptions valid??? Uuuummmmm….

      1. Your perceptions are “right on” as with other on-going projects. It appears that some one has a hat of ideas and the thought of today is just pull one project from the Hat. No planning and no one driving or supervising these projects that leads to no management with project cost issues. You must have a BC representative involved everyday to manage cost and project on-time completion. Just Sayin

    2. Gray, your concept is interesting. The idea of a very expensive, high end boutique hotel with a small number of rooms confined to the center of the Wolfscratch area seems much more appealing than 0ver two hundred or more weekend rental homes scattered all over Big Canoe.

  2. This “ spend and god will send” mentality has got to stop!!! The chimneys project is a perfect example of an out of control GM and board clearly out of touch with property owners interests/ financial concerns.. We need immediate actions to stop these reckless decisions!

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