2020 and an increasing lack of transparency

Here we are faced with a new year, a new kitchen, new menus and the first financial package of 2020 indicating good news with net income exceeding budget.  In fact, remarkably, despite all the constant hype about increasing F&B revenue, one quickly realizes that food and beverage losses were actually less while being closed for most of the month.  Analyze that. Continue reading “2020 and an increasing lack of transparency”

Perspectives on 2019 Financial Performance

There doesn’t seem to be time anymore to seek peace and tranquility in the refuge of Big Canoe.  We are so overwhelmed with drama and the constant barrage of issues and crises under the watch of the current board.  And throughout all of this mayhem, not one single individual has been held accountable. Continue reading “Perspectives on 2019 Financial Performance”

An update on the $25/$16 assessment increase . . .

In the previous post, questions were asked regarding the 8.89% monthly assessment increase.  Was the increase a “regular assessment” which covenants allow to be used by the current or any future board for both operational and capital expenses?  Or . . . was the increase a “special assessment” which may not be used for operational expenses and which  also requires property owner approval?  (1) Continue reading “An update on the $25/$16 assessment increase . . .”

Assessments, budgets and more . . .

The December 31st POA member statement along with a two page memorandum from management (1) has just been received leaving this writer somewhat perplexed.  Although the $25/$16 increase approved by the board in November to be used for Master Plan capital projects was included on this statement, Continue reading “Assessments, budgets and more . . .”

About that $5,000 fee . . .

After an impressive presentation at the recent Town Hall meeting that included photographs of rusted metal pipe and irrigation deficiencies, it is probably obvious to most all that our Creek nine golf course has a problem with those components. (1)  Lydell is to be commended for doing an outstanding job of articulating and explaining the issues. Continue reading “About that $5,000 fee . . .”