With red flags waving . . .

Quite an extravaganza, the August board meeting was filled with leadership’s self-applause and vague references to purported misinformation imagined to be swirling about the community. In fact, it seems that leadership sometimes goes to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the property owners “believe” that all is financially wonderful in Big Canoe. Unfortunately, all is never exactly as it may appear. Continue reading “With red flags waving . . .”

The domino effect . . .

An unfolding of events all began with a recent unusual Friday morning e-blast announcing “POA Board of Directors to Vote on Financing New Fire Engine”. (1) What a misleading choice of words, as the Association already owned the fire engine delivered in late June after paying cash in advance to have the fire engine built eighteen plus months before. Instead, the fire truck just happened to be yet another item of collateral pledged on a loan for the purpose of generating additional cash which will be deposited in the “Capital Replacement Fund”. Continue reading “The domino effect . . .”

An update to True Colors: The Taunt . . .

A property owner and member of the Responsive Governance Group recently made good use of the “three minute allotment” granted to property owners during the Q&A session of regularly scheduled board meetings. Stepping forward during the July 28th meeting, the board was questioned about it’s decision to disregard a  petition  signed by 194 property owners (and still counting) asking the board to place an amendment to the covenants on the November ballot for a community vote regarding the property owner approval requirements of certain capital expenditures. (1) Continue reading “An update to True Colors: The Taunt . . .”

True Colors . . .

For those who may not have heard, a small group of concerned property owners including this writer (“the group”) was formed for the initial purpose of soliciting signatures on a petition asking the board to give the property owners an opportunity to vote on a proposed amendment to the covenants regarding capital expenditures exceeding $1 million and the associated member approval requirements. (1)  petition Continue reading “True Colors . . .”

What if . . .

Has each member of our Board of Directors considered that potential purchasers of property might turn away from a community such as Big Canoe with such an outrageous level of debt? That is the question just recently posed to the board with the President responding that “all involved determined it was in the best interest of owners both present and future.” Maybe, but not actually. Continue reading “What if . . .”

Speechless . . .

Not one of our better times, the first month of 2022 has been filled with unfortunate events and broken promises as the level of secrecy and non-transparency exhibited by our board of directors continues to escalate to new levels. And while just weeks ago, this writer tried to envision the next fifty years of Big Canoe, (1) we now know that for the next eighteen years, we will be burdened with debt. Continue reading “Speechless . . .”

An update to a consideration of the consequences . . .

The ballot package has now arrived complete with the final legal wording of the eight proposed bylaw changes. As a word of caution, the enclosed “Voter Guide” that has been previously distributed throughout various media does not summarize all significant changes found in the legal document. Further, perusal of the documents now finds that two additional amendments also contain language that is in conflict with our existing covenants. Given this new information, an update to the previous post on this site (1) is now warranted. Continue reading “An update to a consideration of the consequences . . .”

A consideration of consequences . . .

As the holiday season quickly approaches, yet another election is upon us that will also include eight proposed changes to the association bylaws. According to the minutes of the October 4th closed door board work session, (1) members of the board voted unanimously to approve “the final wording of these changes” to our governing documents. Subsequently, the “Big Canoe POA Voter Guide: Proposed Bylaws Amendments” was published throughout various media followed by a brief discussion at the October 28th meeting of the board of directors. Continue reading “A consideration of consequences . . .”

A betrayal of trust . . .

As was expected, the revision and consolidation of Board policies 152 and 153 eliminating the property owner approval requirement for all maintenance or replacement capital projects exceeding $1 million was approved unanimously by this board on September 30th. What was not expected was the statement that there had been little property owner opposition to the proposed change. (1) Continue reading “A betrayal of trust . . .”

Mission accomplished . . .

Flashback. It’s time to wake up and take a moment to reflect back on December 2019, and the outrage felt by this community regarding the “significant drafting error” found in the previously proposed capital contribution fee amendment that would have eliminated Article VI, Section 13 of our covenants regarding the restricted “Capital Reserve Fund”. (1) (2) (3) Further, consider that this is exactly what is taking place now, only in a craftier manner. Systematically chipping away, bit by bit, piece by piece, little by little. Continue reading “Mission accomplished . . .”