Let’s revisit that $20 million credit facility . . .

It’s been awhile since the last post on this site. During that interval, a January board decision destined to shape the future of Big Canoe for many years to come has now been etched in stone with the May 4th, 2022 closing of the Wells Fargo credit facility. It is done. It is closed. It is real. And our board now has unfettered access to $20 million in loan commitments while remarkably still seeking and wanting even more. Continue reading “Let’s revisit that $20 million credit facility . . .”

A bit more dam talk . . .

With a month elapsed since the Lake Petit Dam Town Hall meeting, it is past time for this writer to express appreciation to the Geosyntec engineer/representative for his presentation regarding the status of our dam. (1) It was not only refreshing but also reassuring to at last hear from an outside source and expert on the subject. Continue reading “A bit more dam talk . . .”

An update to a balancing act . . .

It seems only fair to mention that after publication of “A balancing act”, (1) a member of the POA management team reached out to this writer in an attempt to explain some of the issues that had been noted in that article. The POA President, Treasurer and GM were also included in the loop as they were copied in the original correspondence. Continue reading “An update to a balancing act . . .”

A balancing act . . .

Kudos appear to be in order for management exceeding the original 2020 budget by $174k all the while in the midst of the covid pandemic. (1a) That is indeed good news. Likewise, many thanks are extended to the GM for his reconsideration of this writer’s previously denied request for an itemized listing of 2020 capital expenditures along with an itemization of capital components included on the 2021 capital budget. Continue reading “A balancing act . . .”

Seeking basic information . . .

With 73% of all votes cast supporting the  Creek nine renovation, the property owners of Big Canoe have now spoken.  While recognizing that a robust debate of the pros and cons of any important issue that affects our community is both necessary and vital to the informed decision making process, it is also acknowledged that once that vote is cast, we come together and  move forward as the project becomes a reality. Continue reading “Seeking basic information . . .”

Read the fine print please . . .

With the Creek nine ballot package now delivered to members of the community, serious questions have been brought to the attention of this writer regarding the ballot material found in that package.  But first, it must be emphasized that whether one is inclined to vote “Yes” or one is inclined to vote “No” for the initiative, the concerns that will be discussed here regarding our governance, for today and for the future, are alarming and demand our attention. Continue reading “Read the fine print please . . .”

And now we will decide . . .

Since the launch of the initial Creek nine presentation, discussion on all sides of the proposal has been extensive.  (1) (2) (3)  Meanwhile leadership and management continually promote the project across all available media.  And yet, with delivery of the ballot package only days away and based on information available today, questions and many loose ends remain regarding this $2.3 million renovation project. Continue reading “And now we will decide . . .”

Deceptively lacking initiative . . .

For anyone who has followed posts on this site for any length of time, it is hopefully apparent that all discussions are heavily referenced.  And while pledging to that motto, it is with complete dismay that cut and paste excerpts from the recent post titled “Seriously lacking initiative” (1) have been published to the creek9.org (2) website absent all reference material and without any direction to the source of information. Continue reading “Deceptively lacking initiative . . .”

Seriously lacking initiative . . .

With the renovation of our signature golf course on the radar for some time, the day has finally arrived for property owners to cast our votes on September 8th for or against the proposed project.

While we have been struggling with pandemic restrictions and other issues, a group of eight property owners, assisted by three staff members, has been working since May developing a proposal or educational campaign  known as the Creek 9 Initiative.  (1)  It’s fancy.  It’s glitzy. Continue reading “Seriously lacking initiative . . .”

Let the sunshine in . . .

With appreciation extended to leadership for the abundance of enlightening information provided at the July 18th Town Hall meeting, we now know what many property owners have suspected all along.  The board has, in fact, been conducting closed meetings or “work sessions” for some period of time that have not been publicized to the POA membership.  (1) Continue reading “Let the sunshine in . . .”