Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the Renew Big Canoe – Clubhouse Renovation . . .

Wayne has requested that his op-ed regarding issues with the pending clubhouse renovation be posted on Thank you Wayne for sharing your knowledge and this enlightening information with the community. (Patricia)

Renew Big Canoe – Clubhouse Renovation Concerns and Issues . . .

By Wayne A. Huey


Just like the previous post by bcmatters’ Patricia Cross, ( I would like to begin by expressing appreciation to the newly elected POA president, Terry Stewart. His leadership was clearly shown with his update on Renew Big Canoe during the January 2024 board meeting.

However, General Manager Scott Auer began his Administrative Report by mentioning that he’s (Scott) often referred to as a “cheerleader”. He then stated “. . . and I like that!” The thought going through my mind and many in the Community was, “. . we don’t like or want “cheerleading”! The Community wants true and accurate facts, not a song-and-dance.”

Again, I appreciate Terry’s approach to leading the board and his commitment for clarity and transparency with the Community on the status of the Renew Big Canoe projects. His announcement in the January 25, 2024 Board Meeting clearly stated how both the Renew Big Canoe Post Office and Chimneys Administrative Offices were placed on “pause”. Terry went on to update the Community on the status of the Clubhouse.

The purpose of this Post is to identify what I see and many in the Community need to fully understand going forward with the Clubhouse renovations.

The following comments identify what I previously questioned in my July 8, 2023 bcmatters posting ( plus additional concerns based on information received since the Renew Big Canoe vote.

Question #1 . . . Renew Big Canoe Vote was for a Clubhouse Renovation of $6.35 million.  Will there be a re-vote if the final costs exceed $6.35 million?

Note: already indicates that there will be cost increases in the project.

On November 6, 2023, in a prearranged meeting with General Manager Scott Auer and Board President Tim Moran, I questioned them about the status of pricing of the Renew Big Canoe projects. I was told then that there were significant estimates over the pricing given in the Renew Big Canoe voting campaign. Incomplete drawings were given as part of the reason for the high pricing over numbers previously used for the Renew Big Canoe voting ballots.

During this meeting no dollar amounts per project were given to determine the severity of the issue or any information about what the “next steps” would be. However, while no further information was provided about “next steps”, I did raise questions concerning the source of the estimates for all projects. Macallan Construction Company has been responsible for the estimates with involvement prior to the Renew Big Canoe vote, during further development of all projects, and now, with just the Clubhouse as the focus.

Considering my 40 years of experience as an architect, it is my opinion that Macallan as a contractor that will also be bidding on all Projects (now only the Clubhouse), has a tremendous advantage by having an early and in-depth knowledge of the Project. Also, Macallan has the benefit of the use of sub-contractors as sources of many of the pricing estimates. Because of this, other competitive contractors bidding the project may not have the benefit of using these sub-contractors that Macallan has worked with during the pricing of the Project while under development of drawings by KDC Architects.

While Big Canoe Policies and Procedures require 3 bids from Contractors, having 3 competitive bids may not be possible considering the engagement of Macallan throughout the project design and pricing.

In the November 6 meeting with General Manager Scott Auer and President Tim Moran, Scott stated that he thinks they will have 3-4 bids, and Macallan knows they will not be given preferential treatment. I seriously question Scott’s response due to the fact that Macallan has had extensive involvement in all Renew Big Canoe Projects and was even in consideration as the successful Contractor to renovate the Chimneys project when being considered for the conversion to meeting rooms in 2022.

So, do we have an answer for Question #1 about a re-vote? . . . . NO, not yet. However, the Board needs to respond to the Community about this important question.

For an additional question raised in my 11/6/2023 meeting with Scott and Tim, see Question #2.

Question #2  . . . The POA desperately needs an experienced and fully qualified Project Manager.  Why has Management/Board not hired a Project Manager to represent the OWNER?

While many residents of Big Canoe may not be aware, the POA employed a qualified Project Manager in 2021 with the designated title of Director of New Capital Projects. His primary focus was on the Lake Petit Dam issues and the failed “Chimneys to Meeting Rooms” project. In late 2022, he left his employment for unknown reasons. Since that time, no new qualified project manager has been hired although funds for the hiring of that position were included in the General Manager’s 2024 budget presentation.

My question is: What is the problem, and why can’t the General Manager hire a qualified Project Manager (with Board approval) who can manage the projects referred to as “Renew Big Canoe”?  This question must be answered for the Community because the Community does not want the General Manager to be in control of $15 million without qualified personnel involved.

Project Management is critical, and past Boards and the current GM have not provided the right person(s) in place at the right time to look out for the best interests of the Big Canoe Community. Why?

Question #3 . . . Why have the previously raised issues about the Clubhouse renovation “open air” design and the ADA compliance NOT been answered in a way that addresses “what is in the best interest of the Big Canoe Community”?

This next section is a repeat of the issues outlined in my July 8, 2023 post on as our GM “cheer leader” either does not know or does not listen to what is in the best interest of the Big Canoe Community.

The two issues have significant cost factors involved and while Scott’s “song and dance” as demonstrated in the July 2023 Town Hall belittles the issues raised, he has failed to fully explain with adequate answers.

1st Issue: The “open to the outside” plan proposed for the Clubhouse renovation includes large doors in the Veranda and other Dining areas. Also, the Clubhouse plans include roll-up-doors in the proposed addition for the Mountain View Bar for the outdoor terraces. These type of doors (with overhead air curtains) are very common in restaurants, however, the doors for Big Canoe require approval by the Pickens County Health Department (PCHD). Since I know and have worked in the past with PCHD,  I talked to Denise Cox, and she indicated the only approved restaurant in Pickens County is La Catrina in downtown Jasper. I went to visit the La Catrina restaurant and talked to the individuals working inside the bar area. I asked if the roll-up doors were used often and they said “no” because of difficulty with cooperative weather and serving both inside and outside. I have no problem with the Clubhouse “roll-up doors” and air curtain although the same issues as experienced with La Catrina may be experienced with the Clubhouse.

Denise Cox also commented about the issue with the large areas of “open to the outside”, and she said there’s no way those would work. The primary problem she said would be the overhead air curtains required would have to be of significant size and would not be comfortable to sit close to with noise factors and significant air blowing on anyone close to or going through. She was very clear how the size of the “open to the outside” windows would not work or be approved for the clubhouse renovation.

2nd Issue:  What I continue to consider obvious and critical to the success of the renovation of the Clubhouse is the necessity of doing whatever is required to fix all situations and conditions so the renovated Clubhouse is 100% compliant with ADA (American Disability Act) and the extensive ambulatory needs of the aging Big Canoe population.

What I previously identified as a very specific example of non-compliance is the two-step differential between the Black Bear Pub and the Veranda floor. I explained with the inclusion of drawings the necessity for all Veranda users as well as Club servers to have a flush floor with no steps or ramps. Scott Auer has repeatedly stated that KDC Architects’ solution to ADA compliance is a single wheel-chair lift at the side of the stairs.

While this single wheel-chair lift may satisfy ADA compliance, it does not satisfy the needs of the Big Canoe Community. How could you possibly handle a large crowd in the expanded Veranda with a single chair lift which would be slow and interfere with traffic by both attendees for the functions as well as the servers? The architect’s solution, for those who know good design, is NOT appropriate and adequate! There is NO excuse to not provide easy access between the Black Bear Pub and the Veranda floor.


Although I have expressed my optimism with Terry Stewart as the Board President,

I recommend the need for the Big Canoe Community to step forward and require the Board to respond to the Question #1 about a RE-VOTE on the Clubhouse.

I also recommend that the Board address honesty in the CONTRACTOR selection, further respond to design issues with OPEN-AIR & ADA requirements, and hire a qualified PROJECT MANAGER as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

Wayne A. Huey, Architect

11084 Big Canoe

3 thoughts on “Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the Renew Big Canoe – Clubhouse Renovation . . .”

  1. With the real cost of the Clubhouse renovation being so open ended and questionable, perhaps it should be put on hold until we have a true handle on the cost involved. We don’t need excuses or surprises.

    Yes, I realize the argument has been made if we don’t act now, construction costs will skyrocket. I believe construction costs will increase, as has everything else in today’s economy. That doesn’t mean we should rush into bad decisions. It appears there may be flaws in planning as indicated by conversations with Pickens County. These need to be addressed. “Re-dos” are always expensive and unnecessary if proper planning is executed.

    With the Clubhouse losing incredible amounts of money every year, let’s fix that problem first. I seriously doubt folks will flock to a “new and improved” Clubhouse if underlying problems remain. Aside from special events, has there been an increase in the number of folks using the Clubhouse since mega dollars were spent on new furniture and dishes?

    Because some question decisions made by the GM and POA Board, they are often called obstinate, argumentative and out of touch. That is simply not true. We love Big Canoe and want the best community for years to come. Being saddled with debt isn’t the answer for improving our quality of life in this our mountain community.

    Let’s start being realistic and quit cheerleading for the unknowns looming in Big Canoe’s future.

  2. Re ADA Compliance: Please make sure there is a “family” bathroom for those of us who require assistance and turn-around space as well as the ability to enter and leave without a heavy door crushing our wheelchair or body. There is space near the existing plumbing to do this. In addition to older folks who require this in order to patronize the clubhouse, young mothers would appreciate having the space to diaper or toilet their young children. I hope this comment will reach the right people to make this happen!

    Sheila Sheppard
    66 Red Trillium Lane
    Lot 3255

  3. I continue to be amazed at the lack of fiduciary responsibility that the board and the GM display. Sometimes it is best to take a step back and have realistic expectations and not rush into things. We all want the same thing, for Big Canoe to thrive and have a bright future but we cannot continue to spend money on projects that will continue to lose money and ultimately the cost will be heaped on us, the property owners. I voted NO on the first ballot and I suspect if there is a re-vote the results would be overwhelmingly rejected. I hope that the current board will strongly reconsider these projects.

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