It was there until it wasn’t . . .

It has now been learned that those property owners who took the time to attend last month’s public board meeting and ask questions have been disrespectfully characterized by the General Manager as nothing more than spreaders of “misinformation”. (1) And once again bowing to the will and wishes of the GM rather than their constituency, our Board of Directors voted 5-2 in a closed meeting to delete and censor that April 25th Q&A session from the posted video.

Only the POA President and developer director voted no to this outrageous display of censorship.

Note: More information regarding the actual content of the April 25th Q&A discussions can be found in a previous post on this site. (2)

Additional Note: It might also be noteworthy to mention that the Q&A was actually deleted from the April 25th video prior to the Board’s 5-2 vote authorizing it’s removal.

As for the future . . .

Further, introduced by the POA Secretary, motioned by the POA Vice-President and seconded by the POA Treasurer, the Board of Directors also voted 5-2 to exclude the Q&A session from all future videos. (1)

Again, only the POA President and developer director voted no to this atrocity.

And just like that, years of tradition and much needed interaction and discussion between the members and leadership has been eradicated from any public view in the future.

Circling our wagons . . .

Considering these developments, perhaps it’s time to invoke those member rights under section 3.10 of the bylaws by petitioning for the removal of some or all directors that voted in favor of the censorship. (The bylaws require the signatures of members representing a voting power of 500 on a petition to remove in order to bring the issue to a ballot and vote.)

Note: Property owners do not have the authority to remove the GM as that power is extended only to the Board of Directors.

In the fast lane . . .

And now, with the current board (3) so rapidly and decisively dismantling every building block of property owner rights via censorship; (2) restricted access to accounting records and financial information; (4) and changes to the pricing, design and location of Renew Big Canoe projects without a revote, more frequent posts and updates to this site will become necessary simply to stay current.


The future of Big Canoe could be in our hands.

. . . . .

If you believe the information contained on this site is important, please continue to share and pass it on. Should you wish to see additional articles posted in the future, please subscribe for an email notification or check back frequently. And as always, feel free to contact me at for questions or further discussion. Meanwhile, take care, stay safe and thank you for your readership.

Patricia Cross

10438 Big Canoe


1)    Special Board Meeting Minutes, April 29th, 2024



3)  2024 Board of Directors: Terry Stewart, President; Tim Moran, Vice-President; Mark Green, Secretary; Sandy Pullara, Treasurer; Elton Gogolin; Craig Price; and Mike Zeigler, Developer Director.



One thought on “It was there until it wasn’t . . .”

  1. With a nod to “transparency” which the POA board and GM champion in words but not actions, it’s past time to stop closed board meetings and bring board decision making into the sunshine.

    The end of the month public board meeting has become a platform to announce what the board decided behind closed doors.

    There are sketchy and vague minutes offered for these secret board meetings but they lack substance. Property owners should have the right to know the pros and cons of what issues are being discussed. It would be helpful to know which board member said what about various issues, yea or nay. This would help property owners know where individual board members stand; this knowledge might be a factor when board re-election time rolls around.

    Now the board appears to present themselves as a tightly knit herd with our GM orchestrating board direction. We elected board members to represent us but it appears the GM is the one in charge. We did not elect him.

    Opening closed board sessions would be a welcome way to have true transparency. There certainly might be sensitive areas which should not be discussed publicly to preserve individual privacy, but the board arbitrarily voting to censor information by and for property owners is not one of them.

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