POA President requests retraction of Chimneys article . . .

The POA President has now weighed in on this site’s previous post (1) by stating, “I read your blog on The Chimneys. It contains many inaccuracies and the sentence containing a reference to a photograph on April 20 and a 3D tour is very misleading. The building is locked, virtually empty and a blight on Big Canoe . . .

She continues “which is why it is locked and no longer used. The video could not possibly have been shot contemporaneously, and judging by the color of the walls in one room, would have been done back when the owners of Mountain Vista Rentals were promoting weddings.”

This morning, the President emailed this additional message, “Regarding your blog . . . please print a retraction immediately”.

It appears that the President is objecting to the use of the April 20th, 2022 photograph and the reference to the 3D tour. While a retraction is not warranted, perhaps additional documentation could be useful to those reading the post. https://bcmatters.org/about-that-chimneys-renovation-and-the-visual-deception/ (1)

First, the photograph was indeed taken on April 20th through the windows of the locked facility by the co-writer of the article and clearly portrays the status of those areas. Several other photos also taken at the same time are included below. (2) As noted by the President, the walls in one room have since been painted.

As for the 3D tour, it was never implied that the tour had been been prepared “contemporaneously”. Quite the contrary. Instead, it was specifically noted that the tour included “furnished” rooms while also providing a reference to the Big Canoe Weddings and Events Facebook Page as the source of the link. Regardless, given the April 20th photographs, it should be clear that the tour was a realistic representation of the condition of the facility. Note: Further proof of the timing of those photos can be provided if so requested.

In closing, we would like to take this opportunity to again request each of you to join in this appeal (by directly contacting our board of directors) for an immediate halt to this $1.250 million renovation of the Chimneys along with a requirement to complete the Village Master Plan utilizing community involvement prior to any changes or renovations to the existing buildings. 

. . . . .

Wayne A. Huey, Architect, waynehuey@yahoo.com

Patricia Cross, thepcrosses@gmail.com


1) https://bcmatters.org/about-that-chimneys-renovation-and-the-visual-deception/


3 thoughts on “POA President requests retraction of Chimneys article . . .”

  1. I support this effort and will request the Board cease any further action toward the renovation of the Chimneys or to spend the $1.125m toward that effort. Thank you both so much. Sincerely, Patricia Stimmel

    1. POA. Quit spending $$$ period. You people operate like the Government – Spend and Borrow. Find ways to Save Not Spend !!!

  2. I thank you both for the thoroughness and tenacity in your presentation of this issue. I looked at the pegged hardwood floors pictured in your earlier post- it made my heart hurt to learn of the disregard our current leaders display for the parts of BC we “old timers” love. We are the same folks who never considered pressure washing the moss growing on our rocks. BC is down the path to being nothing more than an ATL suburb.
    Please do not bend to the social pressure. You provide a valuable service to all owners.

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