Catching up . . .

As we stare at the images of the devastation to other communities from Hurricane Helene, somehow Big Canoe was spared. Predicted to inundate our area, it’s path instead veered East leaving us unscathed while others were so much less fortunate. Without even the precautionary ability to lower the volume of Lake Petit in preparation for a storm’s wrath, one might shudder imagining what could have been. Continue reading “Catching up . . .”

Water discussions on the horizon . . .

Given the extremely high water rates in our community, a fellow Georgian reached out recently to inform this writer that a study committee had been established by the Georgia House of Representatives regarding the regulation of water rates assessed by private water companies in the State. It is anticipated that legislation will be introduced in the January – March 2025 legislative session. It was also noted that each member of our board had been contacted previously without any response. Continue reading “Water discussions on the horizon . . .”

Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the upcoming Clubhouse renovation train wreck . . .

Wayne has requested that his op-ed that follows regarding the clubhouse renovation be posted on  As always, thank you Wayne for sharing your knowledge on this subject with the community. (Patricia) Continue reading “Guest Spot: Wayne Huey on the upcoming Clubhouse renovation train wreck . . .”

Outside the box . . .

It certainly came as no surprise to learn that the Association’s independent auditors, would be issuing a “clean” opinion of the 2023 financial statements. What did come as a surprise was the firm’s extensive and gushing accolades for management at the June 27th board meeting followed by a discombobulated presentation of the year end financial highlights erroneously utilizing 2022 data. (1a) How does this even happen? Continue reading “Outside the box . . .”

Back to the future . . .

Isn’t it amazing what can be accomplished when neighbors join together to question or protest actions or decisions by elected leadership that are considered unjust, unfair or unwise? This power of community is clearly demonstrated by the board’s May 30th announcement that their previous decision to censor and delete the Q&A sessions from the recorded board videos had been revisited and reversed. (1a) Continue reading “Back to the future . . .”

It was there until it wasn’t . . .

It has now been learned that those property owners who took the time to attend last month’s public board meeting and ask questions have been disrespectfully characterized by the General Manager as nothing more than spreaders of “misinformation”. (1) And once again bowing to the will and wishes of the GM rather than their constituency, our Board of Directors voted 5-2 in a closed meeting to delete and censor that April 25th Q&A session from the posted video. Continue reading “It was there until it wasn’t . . .”