A bridge too far . . .

In an act akin to pulling out the shred machine, the 96 page report titled “Big Canoe Community Overview 2023” dated October 8th, 2023 that was laboriously prepared by the seven member Long Range Planning Committee (“LRPC”) has now been removed from the POA website and replaced with an altered, edited and manipulated version all at the direction of the current POA President.

It is unknown if any member of the committee that spent countless hours researching and preparing the document has been apprised of these changes.

The directive . . .

This action was in response to this writer’s Memorandum regarding the Chimneys Project  (1) and subsequent email exchange (2) that was forwarded to each member of the board and copied to the Association’s legal counsel asking the board to halt all expenditures related to the estimated $1.8 million conversion of the Chimneys building to administrative office space until the matter can be brought to a property owner vote as required by Board Policy No. 152.

As outlined in the “Save the Chimneys” article recently posted on this site, (3) Board Policy No. 152 “specifically states that “expenditures for new Common Property or expansion of existing Common Property” (exceeding $1,000,000 plus CPI) must be approved by the property owners. The policy further defines “expansion of existing Common Property” as any “significant addition in size and/or purpose.” (4)

In support of the request to halt future expenditures until a property owner vote could be obtained, this writer referenced the “LRPC” document that cited discussions pertaining to the “repurposing” of the Chimneys facility.

The Memorandum and email thread . . .

The complete memorandum and email thread can be found by clicking below and should be self-explanatory.

Memorandum regarding the Chimneys Project  (1)

Email thread November 6th – November 13th, 2023 (2)

An extreme error in judgment . . .

Unfortunately, in his November 13th response, the President chose to unfairly characterize the information referenced in the previously approved and published “LRPC” document as an “error”. Less than 24 hours later and before the close of business on November 14th, without any indication that the document had been changed, the original report was removed from the POA website and replaced with the doctored and altered version thereby removing any reference to the word “repurposing”. (5)

Note: It is important to emphasize that the seven member Long Range Planning Committee is not being targeted by this writer as their work and dedication preparing the document is profoundly appreciated.

It might also be noteworthy to mention that the Long Range Planning Committee was officially disbanded by the Board at it’s October 26th meeting.

The takeaway . . .
  • One must certainly wonder how many other documents and reports have been altered when language or data got in the way (proved detrimental) of leadership’s pursuits?

  • And how can our community continue much less prosper with such a level of dishonest leadership?

  • It is also important to recognize that these types of actions could put the entire board and even the community at risk should any individual ever step forward with a legal claim.

It is unknown if the remaining six directors that were “copied” in the email thread concurred with the decision to alter the report. If not, it would certainly be appropriate to disavow that action.

Further, the original unaltered version of the document should be immediately restored to the POA website.

Note: Needless to say, the original version of the report was downloaded and retained by this writer prior to it’s removal.

And now . . .

Friends, neighbors, this unauthorized $1.8 million (+) expenditure to “repurpose” the historic Chimneys building into administrative office space should and must be stopped until such time that property owner approval can be obtained.

Please make your voice heard.

. . . . .

If you believe the information contained on this site is important, please continue to share and pass it on.  And should you be interested in seeing the forthcoming discussion regarding the Association’s financial affairs including the 2024 budget, please subscribe for an email notification or check back frequently. As for questions or further discussion, I may be contacted at thepcrosses@gmail.com. Meanwhile, take care, stay safe and thank you for your readership.

Patricia Cross

10438 Big Canoe


One)    Memorandum regarding the Chimneys Project  

Two)    Email thread November 6th – November 13th, 2023

Three)  “Save the Chimneys”, bcmatters.org, November 2nd, 2023


Four)  Big Canoe Policies and Related Procedures, Policy No. 152, pgs. 78-79


Five)  “Big Canoe Community Overview” (POAwebsite>login>ReportsandStudies>GoverningDocuments>BigCanoeCommunityOverview2023>)

5 thoughts on “A bridge too far . . .”

  1. At this holiday time, a special thank you is called for . Your research and diligence in communication to the community is commendable. Please continue with your efforts.

  2. I am a 38 year property owner and also believe the BC management is far overstepping its authority. I can be of some support but do not live at BC and am not familiar with much that has been going on nor the people involved. I have 45 years experience in corporate and community banking management. Please contact me if I can help.

  3. I have no problem finding a retired IRS Special Agent that is a forensic auditor. I play golf with the one of the team that brought down Bernie Madoff. Since the POA has released employees in the past for theft it is time to “balance” the books. I do caution you going down that path. It is one way, it could end up in court, it can change lives and the community.

  4. I still want to raise the question of the new furniture being delivered before the “ Renew Big Canoe “ VOTE .
    The new furniture was in the future budget NOT yet approved or voted on . WHY was it delivered before OUR vote ? This shows that the board literally ORDERED and paid for the furniture before the residence actually voted and approved the furniture BUDGET !
    Please correct me if I am misunderstanding the information and timing .
    If this is correct, that egregious action alone is worth putting a legal stop to spending .

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