An update to “Seeking basic information” . . .

In the interest of fairness, it should be acknowledged that several days after posting the last article, a response was provided  pertaining to voting rights as was submitted to “Ask the POA” previously.  AskThePOAReply2#1516 (1)  While certainly  appreciated, not all responses were complete and other responses have prompted even further questions.

Also, as the subject seems to deal with governance rather than operational issues,  this writer immediately followed up  with the general manager while also including members of the board  in the  request.   To date, no response has been received to the questions that follow.

It was surprisingly indicated by management that no voting rights are presently attributed to Type/Class B or Type/Class C members . . .
    • Given this information, why are Type B (orange ballot) and Type C (purple ballot) members designated at the bottom of recent ballots PageTwo (2) when no voting rights have been attributed to these categories?
As for the developer’s voting rights . . .
    • At the time of the 2004 transition when the developer surrendered his right to a super majority vote, did he relinquish all cumulative votes held plus one or did he relinquish only the “plus one”?
    • How is it determined that the developer presently has 41 votes?  Unless the Type D membership has ceased or been abolished, no allocation of Type D votes can be found in the governing documents other than the above mentioned “cumulative votes held plus one”?
Voting powers and POA owned property . . .

And finally, it was noted that the board does not carry voting power for 18 lots owned by the POA.  However, no response has been provided regarding additional POA owned property.  Specifically,

    • Excluding the 18 POA owned lots, does the board or anyone have voting power for any other property owned by the POA such as property that was obtained in the 2016 land purchase?

As these are rather straightforward, basic and simple questions, it continues to be anticipated that a response will be provided by leadership posthaste.

. . . . .

If you would like to see additional articles posted in the future, please check back frequently or subscribe for an email notification.  Likewise, please feel free to share your comments on this site or contact me at for questions or further discussion.  Meanwhile . . . take care and stay safe.

Patricia Cross (10438 Big Canoe)


  1. AskThePOAReply2#1516

  2. Ballot – PageTwo


One thought on “An update to “Seeking basic information” . . .”

  1. So Lots are pink – 1 vote?
    Lots with house pink -1 0r 2 votes?
    If Lot with house is 2 votes, is that reflected, how is the accounted for in the number of pink votes? Required returned votes?
    I should know these things but seem to have forgotten. Thanks

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