An update to True Colors: The Taunt . . .

A property owner and member of the Responsive Governance Group recently made good use of the “three minute allotment” granted to property owners during the Q&A session of regularly scheduled board meetings. Stepping forward during the July 28th meeting, the board was questioned about it’s decision to disregard a  petition  signed by 194 property owners (and still counting) asking the board to place an amendment to the covenants on the November ballot for a community vote regarding the property owner approval requirements of certain capital expenditures. (1)

The board was addressed as follows . . .

We received a written response from the Board and Kim Gaddis, our [POA] attorney.   We found the letter from Kim Gaddis to be non-responsive to our Petition since we never requested nor wanted a special meeting and that was the issue she addressed. We are also aware there is no mechanism under the Association’s governing legal documents which allows the Members to require the Board to do much of anything. Since Kim did not find any legal reason for the Board not to grant our Petition, our only conclusion was that the Board chose not to. I am asking this question because it is a question we are asked frequently: How many Members does the Board need to hear from before deciding the issue is a matter of sufficient concern to merit Board discussion?  Preferably in an open meeting?”

The entire discussion can be viewed on the youtube video of the meeting at time stamp 1:26:20 . . .

Failing to ever provide an answer to the initial question, the POA President offered this solution . . . “Ya’ll are free to get your own legal advice . . . “ and followed that remark up by stating “I’m not taunting you by saying it . . .” Really?

The discussion ended shortly thereafter as the official “timekeeper” had already announced an end to the property owner’s three minute allotment.

And now . . .

For those property owners who remain unfamiliar with the subject matter of this discussion, specifically the petition and it’s importance, please take a moment to read the previous post on this site at

Meanwhile, please reach out to the board asking them to support the will of the petitioners by giving the community the opportunity to vote on this most important amendment to the covenants. The email addresses of the directors are as follows:

. . . . .

As always, please feel free to post comments or contact me at for questions or further discussion. Likewise, should you wish to see additional articles posted in the future, please subscribe for an email notification or check back frequently. Meanwhile, take care and stay safe.

Patricia Cross (10438 Big Canoe)

