Imaginary numbers . . .

Apparently persistence pays off as this writer has finally received answers to those questions regarding the $265k discrepancy in the Master Plan Fund that have been submitted multiple different ways via management, the board and the Audit & Risk Management Committee since the beginning of 2021. Truthfully, it has been exhausting and probably just as exhausting to those of you who read this blog. And even more truthfully, the news is not good. Continue reading “Imaginary numbers . . .”

In discussion of recent communications . . .

After a studied review of the recent POA Board Eblast regarding Big Canoe’s finances that references communications from several property owners, an explanation provided appears to be directed, at least partially, in response to recent posts on this site. (1) (2) But first, it must be emphasized that an accurate representation of this writer’s research, ideas and observations can always be found on the pages of this blog which is maintained exclusively by this writer without collaboration. Any attempts by leadership to characterize otherwise should be disregarded. Continue reading “In discussion of recent communications . . .”

Guest Spot: Wayne Huey – Big Canoe AECC fails to be firewise & current with guidelines . . .

Wayne has requested that his op-ed regarding the Board and the AECC’s recent denial of a property owner’s request for a standing seam primary metal panel roofing system be posted at   Thank you Wayne for your research, discussion and experience on this subject.  (Patricia) Continue reading “Guest Spot: Wayne Huey – Big Canoe AECC fails to be firewise & current with guidelines . . .”

Ask the board . . .

After more than nine months of requesting and waiting for publication of the covenant required updated reserve study, it has just been unceremoniously posted to the POA website. Upon opening, it is immediately observed that the beginning balance in the restricted Capital Reserve Fund on January 1st, 2021 is shown to be approximately one million dollars LESS than the balance disclosed on the year end financial statements. (1) Further, it is clearly noted on page 13 of the study that this information was provided to the reserve specialists by “Association management”. (2) Continue reading “Ask the board . . .”

A bit more dam talk . . .

With a month elapsed since the Lake Petit Dam Town Hall meeting, it is past time for this writer to express appreciation to the Geosyntec engineer/representative for his presentation regarding the status of our dam. (1) It was not only refreshing but also reassuring to at last hear from an outside source and expert on the subject. Continue reading “A bit more dam talk . . .”

About that Dam . . .

Fourteen days into the new year, and we now learn that we have a $3 – $4 million dam problem. As discussed at the January board work session, Geosyntec has completed their study regarding the condition of the Lake Petit Dam and provided management with a report of their findings. (1) The GM indicated that the required repairs to the dam in the next four years would be in the $3-$4 million range, and that the contents of the report had been reviewed earlier in the week with the board, Geosyntec and certain members of the staff and Audit and Risk Committee. Continue reading “About that Dam . . .”

Reality Check 2020 . . .

It has been a long, unusual and challenging year in Big Canoe for sure. And honestly, most anyone can find comfort in any news spun with optimism in difficult times, but healthy doses of truth and reality can not be cast aside if we ever hope to establish that path to honestly addressing the issues facing our community. Continue reading “Reality Check 2020 . . .”

A misrepresentation of facts . . .

Little more than one year ago, property owners were presented with a proposed amendment to the covenants that would allow the establishment of a capital contribution fee (CCF).  This was done without property owners having any advance opportunity to review the covenant language or question it’s contents.  And now, in 2020, with a newly seated board, that injustice has been repeated. Continue reading “A misrepresentation of facts . . .”

An update to “Seeking basic information” . . .

In the interest of fairness, it should be acknowledged that several days after posting the last article, a response was provided  pertaining to voting rights as was submitted to “Ask the POA” previously.  AskThePOAReply2#1516 (1)  While certainly  appreciated, not all responses were complete and other responses have prompted even further questions. Continue reading “An update to “Seeking basic information” . . .”