About that Big Canoe trademark . . .

By now, most property owners have either read the POA e-blast (1) or listened to the January 30th board meeting (2) regarding the issues surrounding the Big Canoe trademark. The board is embarking on two parallel paths to either purchase the trademarks “at an acceptable cost” or proceed with plans to change the name of our fifty two year old community. No further comment is needed by this writer at this time. Instead, this post will serve only to provide additional important details about those negotiations. Continue reading “About that Big Canoe trademark . . .”

What have they done? . . .

Clearly in a celebratory mood at the December annual meeting, the Big Canoe Board of Directors announced that a settlement had been reached with Utilities, Inc.  After three years of secretive negotiations, the agreement will yield each water customer and each sewer customer a $108.43 rebate ($15.49*7) over the next seven months along with several other concessions apparently in exchange for the “dissolution” of a 1984 Trust Deed . (1) Continue reading “What have they done? . . .”

Spent into oblivion . . .

In the last formal action of the year, this Board publicly approved the 2025 operating and capital budgets that they previously approved privately in late October. (1) And certainly at first glance, one might breathe a sigh of relief to learn that the assessment increase will total only nineteen dollars, but rest not easy. This is only a mirage. Continue reading “Spent into oblivion . . .”

Doctoring the mess . . .

And as I’ve said many times before, we review these minutes well in advance so we know every single word and comma in those minutes” . (1) Those are the exact words as stated by the POA President after the board’s October 31st approval of the minutes from previous meetings.  And yet, days after the November 8th post on this site (2) referencing approved minutes from an October 21st closed board meeting, those same minutes were removed from the POA website and replaced with an edited version highlighted in red. Continue reading “Doctoring the mess . . .”

It’s a mess . . .

And so it seems, leadership’s forewarning of future less than stellar financial performance (1), is now confirmed by the Association’s net operating loss for the month of September. Seeking to assure the community that the board was not concerned with the results, the POA President described the losses as nothing more than an anomaly. (2a) Continue reading “It’s a mess . . .”

Catching up . . .

As we stare at the images of the devastation to other communities from Hurricane Helene, somehow Big Canoe was spared. Predicted to inundate our area, it’s path instead veered East leaving us unscathed while others were so much less fortunate. Without even the precautionary ability to lower the volume of Lake Petit in preparation for a storm’s wrath, one might shudder imagining what could have been. Continue reading “Catching up . . .”

Outside the box . . .

It certainly came as no surprise to learn that the Association’s independent auditors, would be issuing a “clean” opinion of the 2023 financial statements. What did come as a surprise was the firm’s extensive and gushing accolades for management at the June 27th board meeting followed by a discombobulated presentation of the year end financial highlights erroneously utilizing 2022 data. (1a) How does this even happen? Continue reading “Outside the box . . .”