Guest Spot: In the interest of the Community . . .

It is sincerely appreciated that long time property owner, Wayne Huey took the time to contact the Board of Directors regarding the “repurposing” of the Chimneys into administrative office space. And now, in the spirit of transparency, he has requested that his memo and the outrageous response he received be posted on Thank you Wayne for sharing this important information with the community. (Patricia)

Note: Comments and additional documentation will be provided by this writer at the end of Wayne’s post.

In the interest of the Community

by Wayne A. Huey

The following two letters concerning inappropriate Board actions need to be known and acted upon by the Community to ensure that there will not be any toleration for past and future actions by the Board to modify important reports and documents to fit a predetermined action/decision/plan by the Board. An internal Board agenda which does not properly represent the interest of the Big Canoe Community, in addition to the actual outrageous actions, is wrong!

November 30th, 2023 email to the Board . . .  (1)

December 1st email response from POA President, Tim Moran . . .  (2)

Requested action . . .

The timing of this post and addressing the referenced issues is very important to the Big Canoe Community due to the December 2, 2023 transitioning of the Board. Bob Littell and Amy Tropfenbaum have been replaced by new Board members Craig Price and Sandy Pullara. Terry Stewart has taken the position of President.

In the interest of doing what is right, the new Board should reverse the inappropriate actions of the previous Board and comply with the two (2) requests in the above November 30th, 2023 letter which represents what is in the best interest of the Community. Full transparency must be demonstrated by the Board by replacing the original language of the LRPC document and requiring a Community vote regarding the Board’s plans for “repurposing” of the Chimneys.

Wayne A. Huey

11084 Big Canoe

. . . . .

Part Two – Additional thoughts and documentation . . .

by Patricia Cross

First it must be emphasized that this writer fully and completely supports the comments and suggestions made above by Wayne Huey.

Further, the (former) President’s response is both shocking and disturbing while reflective of the Board’s apparent belief that they have the power and authority to alter, modify, maniplate, doctor and/or discard any report, document, data or narrative AFTER THE FACT in order to meet it’s objectives. Code word – “their”.

And while the Board may have the ability, though not the prerogative or right, to alter evidence and/or documents within their domain, they can not rewrite history or manipulate information outside their realm of control as is shown below.

For example, the Board’s intentional removal of the language “repurposing” from the LRPC document actually now contradicts rather than “aligns with” the actual language utilized in the Board’s “official” communications.

June 3rd, 2023 Town Hall presentation of Renew  Big Canoe  (3) . . . 

One must only go to time stamp 41:25 to see this slide regarding the Chimneys project as presented by the General Manager containing the bullet point:

Repurpose existing facilities without disturbing the natural beauty”

The GM even goes on to say we will,

rebuild it back in a different way than we had it before” Time stamp 42:55

reimagine it back in a different way” Time stamp 42:58

Renew Big Canoe presentation slide(s) oddly included in the portfolio of work shown on graphic designer’s independent website  . . .  (4)

Simply scroll down to the section titled Renew Big Canoe, page 15 of 16 to view the precise Chimneys project slide used in the GM’s June 3rd presentation containing the same bullet point:

Repurpose existing facilities without disturbing the natural beauty”

And finally, even Smoke Signals documents the GM’s statements in the Renew Big Canoe presentation  (5) . . .

Auer said the building can be repurposed without disturbing the natural beauty of the area”. (5)

Well then . . .

Obviously, the conversion of the Chimneys building into administrative office space is a “repurposing” of that facility, and the examples cited above only further confirm that fact.

And now, given the Board’s present fantasy driven determination to change the Chimneys narrative, one can only surmise that they are doing so in an attempt to circumvent and avoid the property owner approval requirements found in the governing documents.

As a reminder . . .

It must not be forgotten that the board’s decision to alter, edit and manipulate the LRPC document only took place AFTER and IN RESPONSE to this writer’s Memorandum regarding the Chimneys Project and subsequent email exchange that was forwarded to each member of the board and copied to the Association’s legal counsel asking the board to halt all expenditures related to the estimated $1.8 million conversion of the Chimneys building to administrative office space until the matter could be brought to a property owner vote as required by Board Policy No. 152.

Note: For a complete discussion on the subject and for those unfamiliar with the two previous posts on this subject, please go to (6) and (7)

. . . . .

If you believe the information contained on this site is important, please help share and pass it on. And should you wish to see additional articles posted in the future, please subscribe for an email notification or check back frequently. As for questions or further discussion, I may be contacted at Meanwhile, take care, stay safe and have a blessed holiday season.

Patricia Cross

10438 Big Canoe


1)  November 30th, 2023 email to the Board

2) December 1st email response from POA President, Tim Moran

3) June 3rd, 2023 Town Hall Presentation of Renew Big Canoe


5) Smoke Signals News,

6) “A bridge too far”,, November 23rd, 2023

7)  “Save the Chimneys”,, November 2nd, 2023

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